Welcome To America by Hrair T. Kurkjian, M.D.
A guide for immigrants to adapt to life in America. It
discusses the necessities of everyday life: from food to housing to cars,
health care and other daily needs. It also describes what is acceptable
behavior, social, ethical and legal.
This book is not only educational but also entertaining. Whether you want to read it for yourself or buy it as a gift for someone, this book is one to read.
How to Buy
If you want to purchase a hard copy, the price is $17.00 FREE shipping. Please call 405-218-1605 or email drhtkoffice@gmail.com
For Online Book: Go to Amazon.com.
• Type "Kurkjian" in the search bar.
• Click on the Welcome To America book.
To Buy the Book
• You need to create an account with Amazon.com if you don't have one.
When you click to Buy the book, it will prompt you to set up an
account. It will eventually ask you for a credit card number.
To Read the Book
PC: On the page where you see the book,
1. Under the orange "Buy" button, Click on the blue link "Available for PC,"
2. Download the free app.
iPad: On the page where you see the book,
1. Under the orange "Buy" button, Click on the blue link "How buying works."
2. Under "Free Reading Apps," click "iPad."
3. Download the free app.
Health Care Reform by Hrair T. Kurkjian, M.D.
This is a book about the health care system in the United States from the viewpoint of a physician. In the book, a series of observations the author has made over the span of many years in his practice of medicine are detailed. The chapters in this book often feature a story, highlighting a specific problem, and offer a suggested solution. This book is also educational. It gives basic background information and an explanation of how the current system works and the fundamentals of health insurance. Health Care Reform can be read for pure entertainment; the author delivers several remarkable stories. For those serious about the health care dilemma, the book is thought-provoking and one to read, and read again. This book is highly recommended for those in the medical field, or those looking to enter the field.
How to Buy
If you want to purchase a hard copy, the price is $9.00 FREE shipping. Please call: 405-218-1605 or email: drhtkoffice@gmail.com For Online Book:
Go to Amazon.com.
• Type "Kurkjian" in the search bar.
• Click on the Health Care Reform book.
To Buy the Book
• You need to create an account with Amazon.com if you don't have one.
• When you click to Buy the book, it will prompt you to set up an account. It will eventually ask you for a credit card number.
To Read the Book
PC: On the page where you see the book,
1. Under the orange "Buy" button, Click on the blue link "Available for PC,"
2. Download the free app.
iPad: On the page where you see the book,
1. Under the orange "Buy" button, Click on the blue link "How buying works."
2. Under "Free Reading Apps," click "iPad."
3. Download the free app.
Urology Terminology by Hrair T. Kurkjian, M.D.
This book is designed in a simple, easy-to-read, dictionary style format, and the terms are alphabetized for quick reference in a clinic setting. Urologists can give a bound, printed copy of this to assistants for ease of use.
This book is a manual for people wanting to get familiar with Urology. It is addressed to those individuals who work in the urology field, but it is not a textbook of Urology. It can be used by medical assistants, nurses, medical students, and coders. Some urologic patients may find this helpful to better understand their own condition. The book is currently available for purchase on Amazon.com.
How to Buy
If you want to purchase a hard copy, the price is $17.00 FREE shipping. Please call 405-218-1605 or email drhtkoffice@gmail.com
For Online Book:
Go to Amazon.com
• Type "Kurkjian" in the search bar.
• Click on the Urology Terminology for Medical Assistants book.
To Buy the Book
• You need to create an account with Amazon.com if you don't have one.
• When you click to Buy the book, it will prompt you to set up an account. It will eventually ask you for a credit card number.
To Read the Book
PC: On the page where you see the book,
1. Under the orange "Buy" button, Click on the blue link "Available for PC,"
2. Download the free app.
iPad: On the page where you see the book,
1. Under the orange "Buy" button, Click on the blue link "How buying works."
2. Under "Free Reading Apps," click "iPad."
3. Download the free app.