Urologic Observations
1. Patients with kidney stones
Did you know that forcing fluids during an episode of renal colic can make the pain worse?

2. Night-time Urination
Did you know that frequent urination at night may not be always due to an enlarged prostate? It could be a result of fluids accumulating in the legs during daytime. The volume of liquids will, once the patient is laying down, go to his kidneys, then to the bladder, and fill it up so that the patient has to void several times.

3. Inability to Void
If a patient is unable to void, he should stop drinking, because this will make things worse. The concept of putting more fluid in the bladder to push it through is obsolete and actually counterproductive.
Robotic Prostatectomy
1/3/23 Teenage Pregnancies

I read in the news that there is a school in Texas where all the students are pregnant. The school makes special considerations for their situation. Most of these students are between 13 and 19 years old. 
I also read that there are similar schools in many other states. 
I think this is very good, however, is anybody thinking about how to help avoid teenage pregnancies. 
3/6/23     Cancer Detection 

Did you know that there are some blood tests that can be done on humans that tell us if this person has a cancer or not. This has been in existence for a while. The main question is the test is done and is positive for cancer, but you cannot find where the cancer is by doing other tests.